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- Sabbath Accommodation - Sundown Request - Employee Letter
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- Historical Documents
- Recommended Reading
Seventh-day Adventist Publications on Church - State Subjects
- A Seventh-day Adventist Call for Peace
- Human Rights (50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of)
- Religious Freedom
- Religious Minorities and Religious Freedom: A Statement of Commitment and Concern
- Section I: Some Basic Principles - God's Government and Earthly Governments
- Section II: The Christian's Attitude Toward Civil Authorities
- Section III: Heroes of Faith - The World's True Noblemen
- Section IV: Seventh-day Adventists and Politics
- Section V: Satan's Efforts To Destroy God's Government - The Dragon's Voice
- Section VI: The Struggle for Religious Freedom - In Reformation Days and Later
- Section VII: Tax Exemption, Grants and Favors
- Section VIII: Miscellaneous Questions Involving Church-Sate and Other Relationships
Religious Liberty - Sermons
- America Needs the Law of God: Written in the Heart
- How Liberty Dies
- Our Eroding Freedoms
- Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land
- Religious Pluralism and America’s Christian Nation Debate
- The Battle for the Gospel
- The Immorality of Forced Morality
- The Levee of Liberty
- The Sheep and the Goats
- The Triclenium Affair: Love, Power and Betrayal in the Upper Room
- Will the Real Christian America Please Stand Up?
- Book a Speaker
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement Guidance
- Calendar
- Religious Liberty Updates